
Friday, February 15, 2013

Introduction Notes

Owning a cleaning company, I get referrals from current clients of co-workers, family and friends.  Therefore, new clients trust us and  many clients we have not even met.   One of my newer girls created little cards to leave at her clients houses telling a bit about her.  I loved the idea so I spent the morning making cards for myself and one of my other girls.  I used lots of my scrap paper!  YAY me!

These are great for Baby Sitters, Pet Sitters, Kids wanting to start their own little business (shoveling or mowing) Music teachers, Tutors, New Neighbors, New  Bosses, Cleaners...and the list could go on and on!

PJH Designs


  1. Great idea,looks great with the scrapbook paper :)

    I wanted to invite you to our weekly Meet & Greet Blog Hop! It runs Friday nights till the end of Monday, come link up if you get a chance this weekend :)

  2. What a great idea! These are so pretty also they will make a good first impression. Thanks for sharing with us at Transformed Tuesday.
