
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Life as a piggy bank

After being married for 17 years, I went through my divorce and had to start over and learn how to be a good lover, wife and friend.  The best advice I got was thinking life, friends and any relationship as a piggy bank. 
I have instilled this into my kids as well. 
So, what does this mean?  Think of anyone in your life having a piggy as well.  Every time you do something or say something nice it is like making a deposit into that persons piggy bank.  In order to keep a good relationship you need to keep the piggy bank full.  Every time you do something mean or hurtful, you are withdrawing from that persons piggy bank. 
Friendships or the live of your life, you need to keep that piggy bank full.  So think of sweet little things you can do for that special person, friend or even family member.  Write a little note and put it in their lunch or car.  Write something on the bathroom mirror,  start a little plant for their office, bring their favorite candy to work and have a co-worker deliver it for you.  There are a million ways to make these special dposits that keep your relationship strong and healthy!


  1. Congrats - you've been featured at Inspire Me Monday at

    Create With Joy

  2. That's a good philosophy to have! Thanks for sharing at the Shady Porch!

  3. Love the blog folowing you from Aloha blog hop.
